I’m running for re-election for State Representative because I believe when we work together, we can create a northern Michigan community where every single person is able to enjoy life with dignity and opportunity.
Growing up in a rural, working class community in the region, I learned my work ethic from my mom, who cleaned lakefront homes for a living, and spent her free time volunteering to serve in food pantries and church activities, all while raising four children. I observed the struggles of life on the margins, especially when it came to health care. My parents were in constant states of stress if one of us kids fell ill, balancing how to afford medical visits and still pay the bills.
In 2020, I saw firsthand how important quality health insurance is, when I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. Insurance covered nearly $300,000 of medical bills, and served as a reminder that so many hard working families still live one emergency away from financial collapse.​
I want to help build a Michigan where everyone has access to quality physical and mental health care, no matter their zip code, race or gender, or level of income. I will fight for housing -- an ever growing crisis in the 103rd -- and protect the waters and land that define our district's economic and social well-being.
For too long, certain Lansing politicians have been out of touch with our community's needs. They’ve chosen profit over people to keep their power, and have worked to divide and distract us so we won’t demand better for our families.
For too long, certain Lansing politicians have been out of touch with our community's needs. They’ve chosen profit over people to keep their power, and have worked to divide and distract us so we won’t demand better for our families.
I say no more. We all have the right to dream big and demand more of our leaders. Let's work together to build a 103rd and a Michigan where we ALL can thrive.
I’m State Representative Betsy Coffia, and I am committed to working hard every day for you and your loved ones to have life with dignity, because that is what we all deserve.

What's included in the 103rd House District?
Leelanau County: The entire county
Grand Traverse County: Acme, East Bay, Garfield, Long Lake, Peninsula townships and the City of Traverse City
Benzie County: Almira, Platte townships